Service Value System (SVS) Opportunity, demand and value

Service Value System (SVS)  Opportunity, demand and value

The service value system takes some input from opportunities and demands, does a bunch of processes and activities using the guiding principles, the governance, and continual improvement to eventually give an output, which is the value that can be shared with consumers and customers. Looking first into the inputs is opportunities. Opportunities represent options or possibilities to add value for stakeholders or otherwise improve the organization. An example is when an organization is going to find new markets or find new customers. Opportunities could also be creating a new service or creating a new product. There are lots of different ways for to figure out what those opportunities are, and then bring those to market so we can help add value.

Aside from opportunities, the other input is demand. Demand is when there is the need or desire for products and services among your internal or external consumers. Dion Training students who finish and pass the ITIL 4 exam usually email back asking if courses for other certification are offered. So their is demand from an external consumer wanting something from the company and these customers telling the company about it. So as an organization, Dion Training takes input from their students and it helps them shape what products and services they’re going to offer. Those are the kind of things that demand has fed and now the company has put that through their service value system and through their service value chain to create products and services that can come out the other side and give value to their customers.

The outcome of the service value system, which is the value, is the output or the outcome. The service value system is going to enable the creation of many different types of value for a wide group of stakeholders. So, we look at this service value system from left to right. We’re looking at inputs of opportunities, what new markets, new customers, new services, and new products can you have? As well as demand, what things do these people want to buy, internally or externally? And then on the output side, we have value, for those internal and those external consumers, for the business, for the organization, for all of your customers and all of your consumers. That’s the idea of the service value system. Take something in, add value, and put it out the other side.

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