Certification Provider: Fortinet
Exam: NSE 5 - FAZ
Exam Code: NSE 5 - FAZ
Total Question:
Question per Quiz: 80
Updated On: 08 March 2023
Note: In order to practice all the Q/A's, you have to practice multiple time. Question's and Answer's will be presented randomly and will help you get hands-on for real exam.
Refer to the exhibit. What does the data point at 14:55 tell you?
Which daemon is responsible for enforcing raw log file size?
An administrator has configured the following settings. What is the significance of executing this command?
Which two methods are the most common methods to control and restrict administrative access on FortiAnalyzer? (Choose two.)
Which two of the following must you configure on FortiAnalyzer to email a FortiAnalyzer report externally? (Choose two.)
For which two purposes would you use the command set log checksum? (Choose two.)